Decision Tree


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Responsible Leaders Formats

We invite those leaders to participate in our Responsible Leaders Forums to jointly reflect on their role as leaders, share their experiences and expertise, and learn from each other. For mutual inspiration and networking offers great potential for change.

Responsible Leaders Network

Cross-Sectoral, global network of leaders committed to building a peaceful, just and sustainable future on the basis of the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals

Nordic Impact Academy

Educational content for asset owners, asset managers and advisors. Virtual webinars and in person seminars delivered in partnership with Karim Harji, Rockerfeller Philanthropies + other impact investors and practictioners

Nordic Impact Investment Network

Connecting investors locally to support the movement of more capital into impact. Breakfast events in Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden. Read more

Future Fest Investor Day

In person gathering for investors. Education and peer-peer learning to support the movement of more capital into impact investing.