Member of The Coalition for Impact

The ImPact

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The ImPact is a non profit member organization, founded in 2015 by Justin Rockefeller, Liesel Pritzker Simmons, and other families of significant means interested in supporting the alignment of their values with all sources of family capital –  philanthropic, investment, and family-owned businesses. We are a global community “by families” and “for families”.
Since our launch, we have connected and activated a global community of more than 80 families from around the world – from 20 countries on five continents – who are collectively mobilizing billions of dollars for positive impact. Family members  join The ImPact to learn from their peers on how to use their assets to create positive change, as well as to co-create and collaborate; the ultimate goal – make more impact investments more effectively. We facilitate member exchanges through our global and regional events, online discussions, as well as in targeted working groups for family principals and family executives. 
We also developed a ‘Playbook’, the 10 key Actions Framework, which provides members with a holistic set of research, case studies and tools to move from intention to action. The report ‘Ten Key Ingredients for Impact Investing’  which we published in partnership with the Center for Sustainable Finance and Private Wealth will give you a first indication on what these key steps are.
For more information see our membership overview and you can also find more material on our Library page